In the parallel universe where Valkyrie shunts to in Kingdom of the Wicked, he is a teleporter and loyal subordinate to Mevolent. When she first shunts there, he tries to arrest her, but she handcuffs him. When she returns a second time, he is used by the Resistance to teleport prisoners from Mevolent's palace and save people, but it ends with Lord Vile appearing and slaughtering the escapees. In her third shunt, he attempts to stop Valkyrie saving her reflection, but they subdue him and put him in extreme pain. He is seen when Valkyrie returns for her fourth time as Darquesse. He spies on a Resistance building where China, Anton Shudder and Darquesse are discussing matters of the Sceptre, he brings Mevolent and his forces, but immediatly leaves the battlefield.