Haggard | |
Haggard Information | |
Name(s) | Haggard |
Inhabitants | The Edgleys |
Part of | Ireland |
Haggard is a small coastal fishing town, located in North County Dublin, around 25km north of Dublin City Centre. Valkyrie Cain and the Edgleys all live here.
Skulduggery Pleasant[]
A few days after Gordon Edgley’s funeral, Desmond, Melissa and Stephanie are summoned to Mr. Fedgewick’s office for the reading of his will. They leave Haggard and spend an hour driving there, arriving late as Desmond delayed them by being unable to find his shoes.
After being attacked by Vindick Leather twice and meeting China Sorrows, Melissa picks Stephanie up from Grimwood House and they return to Haggard. Stephanie immediately goes to bed and and wakes up the next day at two in the afternoon. Stephanie comes to the conclusion that Gordon was murdered, which makes her want to follow Skulduggery, who is investigating his death. She sees his Bentley, and walks up to it, where she confronts Skulduggery about not telling her Gordon was murdered. He promises to no longer keep her in the dark for her protection, and they leave.Skulduggery drops her back home that evening.
Stephanie is awoken when Desmond breaks the stereo and it is stuck playing Ride of the Valkyries at full volume. Skulduggery appears at her bedroom window, and makes her draw a symbol on her wardrobe’s mirror. He makes an incantation, and when Stephanie touches the mirror her reflection comes to life and steps out. Skulduggery explains that the reflection will be her stand-in at home and school while she is with him, and that when she returns she will gain all the reflection’s memories and experiences. They leave and get in Skulduggery’s replacement car while the Bentley is being fixed, a yellow car Stephanie calls ugly and nicknames the Canary Car. They leave to head to the Irish Sanctuary.
The following night, Stephanie, now having taken the name Valkyrie Cain, returns home, letting her reflection step into the mirror and pass its memories to her.
The following morning, Valkyrie visits Beryl one morning, claiming to be coming to see how they are. Crystal answers the door and accuses her of only being friendly with Gordon so she would inherit his house. Beryl walks by, and upon seeing Valkyrie by the door, walks up to her. Crystal takes the chance to leave. When Valkyrie notes she isn’t wearing the brooch Gordon gave her, she calls it horrid. She tells Valkyrie that they saw her get in the Canary Car with Skulduggery Pleasantyesterday. When Valkyrie denies it, Beryl calls Fergus from the living room, who backs Beryl up. She tells Valkyrie they don’t want to see her fall in with the wrong crowd. Valkyrie interupts, saying she has to use their bathroom. While in the house, she sneaks into the master bedroom and steals Gordon’s brooch before leaving.
Valkyrie sits on a rock on the beach in Haggard. She manages to use air to move a shell. Desmond approaches her, and tells her that him and Melissa are worried about her, that she has been acting differently since Gordon died. He says Beryl called and told him about Stephanie’s visit to her, and that she had seen her with Skulduggery. He tells her that her great-grandafther used to tell them stories about magic, say that they were descended from a sorcerer called the Last of the Ancients, and that because of those stories Gordon began meeting with people Desmond considered dangerous. Desmond asks her to be careful, and too focus on the real world and not silly fantasies.
Valkyrie and Skulduggery meet Mr. Bliss, who has agreed to help them get the Sceptre from the caves, at a Martello tower on the cliffs of Haggard. They show him the brooch, and he pushes Skulduggery off the cliff. Mr. Bliss takes the brooch from Valkyrie and leaves. Valkyrie races to the base of the cliff, where she sees Skulduggery walking back to the shore along the water. They realise that Serpine has been waiting for them to get the key so Mr. Bliss could take it from them.
Playing With Fire[]
As they leave Valkyrie's house and drive through Haggard, Skulduggery and Valkyrie notice the reflection is missing. They pull over and go to look. This is the first time they meet Dusk. He went for the Relfection, thinking it was Valkyrie but saying he knew as it didn't feel fear.
Later on through the book, Valkyrie attends the Edgely Family Reunion as bait for Dusk and ends up fleeing from the party, being followed by a pack of Infected and Dusk himself. She passes her house and runs to the Pier. The Infected follow her in, unaware of their weakness to salt water. They begin to come apart from the water. At the end of the book, Valkyrie is sitting by the Pier of Haggard, looking out for any Infected that the salt water didn't kill. Skulduggery arrives and tells her to let it go. Just as she starts to leave, an Infected emerges, battered and broken but living. Skulduggery takes out his revolver and Valkyrie summons fireballs and prepare to fight.
The Faceless Ones[]
In this book, Valkyrie returns home and starts up a converation with her Reflection but her mother over hears this and nearly catches the Reflection. Valkyrie goes downstairs and her father asks for an idea for an anniversary present. Valkyrie offers up Paris. Later on in the book, Valkyrie's parents are leaving for Paris but Remus Crux arrives at her doorstep with a warrent for her arrest. Valkyrie tries to get him to leave but he wouldn't. Her mam comes downstairs and when Valkyrie looks back, Crux is gone. After her parents leave, Valkyrie sprints out of the house, promptly followed by Crux. She cuts through a field and runs across. She reaches the end and hops over a fence. Crux reaches the end, gasping and muddy and moves to a van. He gives instructions to a Cleaver to chase Valkyrie and she runs until she runs into Alan, a farmer who knows her. The Cleaver disappears but Crux marches up and attacks Alan, knocking him unconsious.
Dark Days[]
In this book, Valkyrie is searching for Skulduggery's skull and she returns back to Haggard for sleep. She trys falling asleep for a while and when she finally does, Remus Crux, his mind broken from where he glimpsed a Faceless One at Aranmore Farm, attacks Valkyrie. She fights him but nearly dies until Solomon Wreath shoots shadow spears at Crux, making him flee. Valkyrie persuades China to set up Symbols that would inform her if anyone that had magic (besides Valkyrie and the gang) entered Haggard, Valkyrie would know.
Later on in the book, Valkyrie returns home where her parents tell her Melissa is pregnant again. At the end of the book, Valkyrie heads home for the night but wakes up from a nightmare. The Dream Whisperer she received from Cassandra Pharos, whispering her True Name, Darquesse.
Mortal Coil[]
In this book, Valkyrie spends Christmas in Haggard with her parents as she is to have her True Name sealed. They visit relatives and then head home to make Christmas dinner. In the middle of the book, Valkyrie asks Fletcher to take her to a dance but it would mean he would have to meet her parents. When he arrives, he is interrogated by Desmond, to which he says just because Fletcher can see Valkyrie's knees, doesn't mean she will hold his hand on the first date. At the end of the book, the newly possessed Tanith pays Valkyire a visit to Haggard, pretending to be a subsitute teacher. When Valkyrie arrives at her house, she sees Tanith laughing and chatting with her parents. When Tanith says her boyfriend is here to pick her up, Valkyrie says she will see her out. When they are outside, Tanith says she will be there, nudging Valkyrie towards her destiny, Darquesse. Billy-Ray Sanguine arrives and reveals he is Tanith's boyfriend.
- Valkyrie Cain
- Stephanie (Valkyrie Cain's reflection)
- Carol Edgley
- Crystal Edgley
- Beryl Edgley
- Fergus Edgley
- Melissa Edgley
- Desmond Edgley
- Jasper
- Alan Brennan
- Haggard is a fictional version of the Rush/Lusk area; Derek Landy's hometown. [1]