The Dying of the Light!
The title of ninth book is...
What do you think of this title? Tell us here in the comments section!
Read more on Derek's Blog:
Armageddon-Outta-Here Cover!
So finally, we get to see the cover of Armageddon-Outta-Here! Here it is, in all it's pride and glory:
It exists! Hooray!!!
Here, in this blog, is the only place you can talk about book eight spoilers, without using the nifty anti-spoiler template we have. I know there's some of you who've read the book in 0.32893 seconds after obtaining it, so comment away!
Last Stand of Dead Men cover!
Yess! It's been released! All you Valduggery fans will be happy!
I must say, I'm really impressed with Tom's work on this one. It's really really good.
The Maleficent Seven!
The Maleficent Seven was released a while ago. We are such speedy admins, that when we made this blog post it was shoved into the future.
So, discuss The Maleficent Seven! This blog will have tonnes of spoilers, so be wary if you haven't read the latest installment in Derek Landy's published works!