29th August 2013
Book Eights release date! Huzzah!
An email has been sent out. I point you to this link here: http://www.skulduggeryforums.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=4163.0. But if you're lazy, I shall paste the image: [1]. Still feeling lazy? Well, here's the important text:
Naturally, I don't have the book yet. But some of you might. So you can talk here.
But please put major spoilers in the spoiler text tag. Example:
will give: "I liked it when "
Eh, most people won't do that, so I added the spoiler banner.
EDIT: Manga here. Just pointing out the spoiler text can be read if you highlight it. And now you know.
Ten Times The Awesomeness Winners!
The winners have been announced! Congratulations to all the winners, and well done to all who entered!
If you're too lazy to click the link:
Kingdom of the Wicked Chapter One!
Chapter one is up. Please let us know your thoughts on it.